Pierson Orthodontics of San Antonio, TX, had its annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest and the level of craftiness was the highest it’s ever been! Each year we invite dentists, oral surgeons and periodontists in our area to compete in this wicked-hard contest, and with each year we are blown away by the entries!
The winner of the contest is decided by the number of likes they receive on our Facebook page and votes taken in our office. This year we had more than 15,000 views of the album! Our winner was “Dory” from 7 to 7 Dental. She arrived on a sand-covered prop with a mock anemone, and she stole the show!
All the entries are split up and taken to the two Ronald McDonald Houses located here in San Antonio, Texas. The families staying there get so excited by their arrivals. They got there just in time to set the mood for Halloween!
The winning office gets a staff lunch to any restaurant of their choosing, but 7 to 7 Dental opted to donate its winnings to the Ronald McDonald House. Our hearts beat with joy for such a thoughtful act!
Thank you to all who participated this year for bringing light to not only our office but to the children at the Ronald McDonald House.