Feeding San Antonio

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As school comes to an end here in San Antonio, Texas, some families are left in fear not knowing how their children will have enough to eat during the break. According to http://safoodbank.org , 36% of the 58,000 San Antonio Food Bank clients are under the age of 18 years old. These families usually have to decide between paying for their basic necessities and buying food.

Pierson & Saunders Orthodontics and Alamo Ranch Dental teamed up because they could not continue to be so blessed without doing their part in helping these families. Beginning in April, Dr. Bradley Pierson and our team started a food drive with the San Antonio Food Bank and we have filled our bin to the top—of course with the help of our generous patients. It isn’t enough to feed all of their clients, but the Food Bank is funded by the support of local businesses and other entities to keep providing the everyday needs of these families. There are many ways that you can help your local food bank too!

Whether it is by donating food, time, or money, every little bit helps. Let us join forces and provide the nourishment the community needs, for we have been blessed beyond measure! We invite you to contact our office today to learn more about us and to schedule an appointment with our orthodontist.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
-Winston Churchill-